Monday, September 17, 2007

Deuteronomy 28:9 - God's rules

Deuteronomy 28:9

“The LORD will establish you as a holy people to Himself, just as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God and walk in His ways.

Not as much time today to go into this as much as I wanted. Clearly the Lord uses His word (the bible) to establish his commandments.

As a mom this hits home. I am the boss, the kids are expected to listen and to obey what I ask of them. Just as I am required to obey God's rules. (note: the kids are well aware that God is the boss of mommy and that I have to teach them as God wants me too)

My kids do not know better unless I teach them so. My kids cannot make new rules that they choose to follow instead of mine. As well as there is little chance that they will make wise choices unless they are shown how. (note how we cant do those things without Gods word/guidance either)

As much as I expect obedience from my kids, God expects obedience from His people. But the rewards of that are GREAT. God is our parent and love us and takes care of us even better than we can provide for our own children.

God you are SO good to us. Lord thank you SO much for that!

~Here's a verse I did last week. I am a huge fan of changing the pic on the background of my computer.. so I though I would share... if you click it.. should get bigger :D

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